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Papers and Preprints
All my papers are available on Arxiv (but the published version may slightly differ).
- Entropy minimale dans les espaces localement symétriques, Ph. D. dissertation .pdf.
- Minimal entropy for uniform lattices in products of hyperbolic planes .pdf, Comm. Math. Helv. Vol. 91 (2016) Issue 1, 107--129.
- A curvature-free Log (2k-1) theorem, with F. Balacheff .pdf, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 151 (2023), 2429--2434.
- On the volume entropy of Hilbert geometries of low regularity, with J. Cristina .pdf, accepted in Geom. Dedicata.
- A note on the degenerations of Morse actions .pdf, permanent preprint.
- Bending laminations on convex hulls of Anti-de Sitter quasicircles, with J-M. Schlenker .pdf, Proc. London Math. Soc., Vol. 123 (2021), Issue 4, 410--432
Here is a webseminar where I report on this paper.
- A Finsler counterexample to the Croke conjecture for the systolic ratio on the 2-sphere, with G. Buro .pdf, submitted (2021).
- C0-robustness of topological entropy for geodesic flows, with M. Alves, L. Dahinden and M. Miewes .pdf, Journal of fixed point theory and applications, Vol. 24 (2022), Issue 2.
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